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City Ride!

I didn't want to get going this morning. I even crawled back in bed after breakfast, but somehow I made it on the bike before nine! I rode east on Iliff and then north on the Platte River trail to The Pepsi Center. It is beautiful out here! I rode amongst a nice breeze in the morning sun and with birds, geese, and ducks. I decided the Denver fitness enthusiast is much friendlier than the Portland rain-hardened commuter. Cyclists smiled as I passed and I even rode with an older woman for a while. Her tanned legs were full of veins, wrinkles and sags, but they were still beautiful because she was fit and muscled. So far, it seems that I have to ride exactly 5 miles from Jo and Brian's to get to anywhere worth riding, which is making 10 mile rides difficult. I am still trying, though.I calculated my average riding since I got this bike to be 50 miles a week, half of my goal. Still, I think it must be pretty good for someone who barely exersized in 6 months and hasn't ridden 100 miles a week in 2 years. 8: 58 AM start, 1:39 elapsed time 20.35 mi, av 14.7 mph av HR 148, max 169