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Weekend Ride!

Lazy Saturdays are wonderful days for a ride! Today's breezy, overcast weather made it okay for me to leave a little later. I went east on Iliff and then north on St. Paul until I met up with the Cherry Creek Trail. I went away from town on the trail and then south on the Highline Canal Trail. I didn't like this leg of the trail any better, so I turned around at the meditation center, of all places. I rode around different forks of the Cherry Creek trail until I found a good turn around point. I climbed an 8% grade, which is probably the steepest climb I've done since I've been in Colorado. That's sad, considering the hill was less than a half mile. I had snack, turned around and rode just past the Cherry Creek Mall before I decided to go back home. I' m sure I set a record at a red light, almost 6 minutes before it turned!I dragged today. Maybe because I hadn't ridden in two days, or started later, or took a nap, or didn't have my CoQ10, or skipped lunch. Who knows. Since the media concurance now is that the average American is overweight, it was inspiring to see mostly fit people on these trails. I hope thier fitness will leak on to me if I hang out on the trails enough! I didn't quite make 100 miles this week, but it got close. With the exception of the pinched leg, the milage felt easy. I feel confident I can keep up this milage through July for the STP. 11:30 AM start, 2:00 elasped time 27.41 mi, av 15.0 mph av HR 152, max 178