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Terwilliger Ride!

I never thought I'd be one of those crazy white-collar health nuts exercising on Terwilliger Boulevard! Yes, today I summited what is known to locals as "Pill Hill", passing Oregon Health Sciences University, the Veteran's Hospital, the Children's Hospital and so on (via downtown). I remember thinking this road was insanely hilly. I road at a leisurely pace, waiting for the hills. I rode from one end of the road to the other, and back again, and still didn't find the hills! I am either much more fit than before, or I have my roads seriously mixed up! The incline I clocked was not impressive, so I fear Skyline boulevard is the only way I am going to get some serious hill work in!The weather was a perfect low 60s with a threatening drizzle. I heard some rubbing from some of my mid-range gears so on the way back I stopped at Riverside Bikes. The friendly bike boy introduced me to the "trim" feature on my bike, where I can adjust the front derailer so I doesn't rub the chain in extreme gears. Nifty! Though I wonder how many other cool things my bike can do that I have no clue about.... 10:35 start, 1:39 elapsed time 17.24 mi, av 12.7 mph av HR 136, max 172 approximate 740' accent/decent at 1220'/hr