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Sauvie Island Ride

Cold. Wet. Rainy. Chipseal. Flat. Lonely. Boring. Today's ride bummed me out. Sauvie Island hasn't changed. I took a wrong turn and ended up taking the bumpy ride that went to the nude beach instead of the nice happy loop. Bleah.The only thing that made today's ride worth while was following the last of the STP ride on the way back. Several hot pink markers, seemingly every couple of miles, marked the route. Not only that, but hot pink spray paint highlighted every bump, pothole, hill, railroad track and so on! It put me at ease about my worry of getting lost. I hope the whole route is equally well marked! start 8:35 AM, elasped time 4:43 56.46 miles, av 14.6 mph HR av 134, max 171