Today I rode into Boulder via left hand canyon. The day started out cold with my winter jacket and legs, but within an hour I was super hot. For some reason I saw lots of women on the road today, which is rare. Maybe all the women do all their riding on weekday mornings, or maybe I was on a popular route for women. Whatever it may be, that was inspiring! What was not inspiring was the hills. I am tired of hills. I flat out (har har) don't want to ride any more hills for a very very long time. I spent most of the day being very grumpy because of all these hills. Needless to say, the ride was beautiful. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. And as annoying as the hills were, the views they allotted were breathtaking. I am taking the long, long descents for granted, and know that I will look fondly back at them when I reach a time where such descents are not so readily available. I also love NCAR. It's one of my favorite places in Boulder. I met my dad there and we walked around. We planned on hiking but a thunderous rain fell upon us as soon as I finished my ride, so we stayed in and l0oked at the exhibits. Then it was off to Tokyo Joes for lunch and Sunflower Market for groceries.
- distance: 33.52 mi
- time: 2 hr. 38 min.
- av. speed: 12.69 mph
- max speed: 46.21 mph
- av. cadence: 63
- climb: 2521 ft
- max altitude: 9094
- av pulse: 149
- max pulse: 171
- temp 50-85