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The cold never bothered me anyway

The weather report read 30 degrees and light snow when I woke up this morning. I  never saw the “snow” symbol on my weather report before. Because my usually amazing toasty pants don’t keep me warm below 35, and the first 4 miles of my commute is downhill, I added a fleece face mask to my attire. I felt comfy as a kitten! I didn’t see any snow, but every parked car I passed was completely white with frost.

I didn’t get to see the baby-cradle pothole this morning as the whole lane where it was, for several blocks, was blocked off for road construction. I couldn’t quite tell what they were doing, they certainly had more equipment than needed to repair a pothole, but I hope they do repair it while they are at it.

I started to bonk by the time I got to downtown. That hasn’t happened in a long time, not since the heavy physical labor at work days. I pedaled so slowly I couldn’t keep up with the timed lights on 5th avenue. The lights are timed at 25 mph, and without traffic, you can go 10 blocks without stopping. I usually make 7 blocks before my lungs give out. Today I tuckered out before the 4th block! Either my tire is too flat (my front tire has a slow leak that is too slow to deal with), I got too cold (possible!), or I didn’t have enough fuel left in my blood (I did nearly faint during yoga and had to stop to regain my balance). Needless to say, I felt more gratitude for the hot shower at work than ever before. They even installed a new shower head that is far better than before. Now, I am all better.

Fremont Bridge Bike Count: 95