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2015 Year in review

2015 was a fantastic year for riding. I rode 2744 miles. I didn’t make my riding goal, but I did ride more than I did last year. I rode 1784 miles in 2014 and 3048 in 2013. I think with 2744 miles this year, making a goal for 3000 in 2016 sounds very reachable.

Miles aside, this was a great year. I rode in the Flying Wheels Century last May, and clocked in tons of miles during bike month in May. I did a few interesting rides around greater Seattle and got to see some paths I’ve never been on before. I rode all the way to Port Angeles via ferry for an overnight adventure. I rode my first Bike MS with Team SlugFish and raised more money for MS than I ever raised before. I rode in my first ever week long bike tour, Cycle Oregon. It proved to be an epic year for the ride, but a wonderful time for me.