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Wednesdays have been bus days lately because I have an evening class in a neighborhood sketchy enough to make me want to avoid parking my bike outside. However, major construction started on the Aurora bridge this week. All north-to-downtown transit buses depend on this bridge and with it being shrunken down to one lane, I worry that commute time would double. Needless to say, Wednesday has become a bike day!

One of the potholes on my route vomited this morning. I dodge several potholes on Fremont Ave on the way to work. It’s a scary road for potholes because in the dark of night I cannot see them until my bike light illuminates them a mere few feet in front of my wheel. No street lights illuminate the little landmines. Also, the road is so steep that one could probably coast to 50 mph without using the brakes (I haven’t tried it, but I have gotten up in the high 30’s some early mornings by just braking a little). Lucky for me, I am so familiar with this road that I have every lump, bump, and pothole memorized. I could weave through the landmines in my sleep. However, today, it appears there was an attempt to fill one of the potholes as a spray of rubble poured out from the hole. It looked like the hole was filled, but someone forgot to seal the gravel or something. The little black pebbles sprayed out of the hole like broken glass on the road. Obviously, there is no hazard to my tires, but with the rain pouring down I could have slipped and slid all around. Luckily, I did not.

Closer in, I caught up to a tall gentleman riding with his bike rack seated behind his rear wheel at a 45-degree angle. I noted the rack wasn’t secured to the frame or seat post at all the way most racks are. It was only secured at the rear hub. He had 2 very full panniers strapped to it. While the rack wasn’t shaking, the precarious positioning of it made me want to stay clear of his trail!

Once again, I survived all threats to my commute and arrived to work unscathed!

Fremont Bridge Bike Counter: 158