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The commuter mishap every cyclist has nightmares about

This day shall forever be remembered as the day I went to work without a shirt. That’s right. I totally forgot to bring the shirt I had planned to wear with me. It was an innocent mistake. See, I thought my work shirt might double as an extra layer while I rode into the health club this morning. Because the ride to the health club is all downhill, I am often extra chilled. However, when I woke up I found the temperature outside 10 degrees colder than expected and opted to pack my work shirt and choose a warmer shirt to ride with. I am used to having my work clothes packed in my bike panniers, so with the excitement of the morning, I just walked out the door without ever getting the shirt packed. We found out the secured apartment garage had a prowler in it again last night. Instead of leaving like I normally do, we checked out our stuff in the garage as I left. The vandal spared us this time. They tampered with the lock and door of our storage shed, but stole nothing. It appears other neighbors might not have been so lucky. Would I have still forgotten the shirt without all the excitement? Probably. 
Luckily, I couldn’t have picked a better day to forget a shirt. That extra warm shirt I wore biking worked out just fine as a backup. The bike shirt was new in 2004, and was too worn to look remotely appropriate much less professional, but luckily I had a little jacket to wear over it that kinda matched. Whew! Crisis abated! I am so glad I don’t work for a company that scrutinizes the professionalism of my attire, or else I would have been up a creek. I am also glad I have space to store extra sweaters and socks and underwear, to minimize the crisis of mistakes like these! 

Fremont Bridge Bike Count: 253