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Ebb and Flow: Riding from the beaches of Diamond Point

Vastly opposing ride experiences cycled back and forth during today's ride. I'd ride on quaint, smooth and quiet roads with fast and long descents, chirping birds, interesting houses, and the bluest ocean views you've ever seen. Then I'd turn onto steep highways, bumper-to-bumper with rushed cars spitting dirt and oil on my legs and nary a shoulder to ride on. The contrast was  jilting, and gave me chance to ponder the many things in the world that are more beautiful because of the ugliness that surrounds them.

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I spent some time the other day reading through past ride blogs. I used to list ride stats at the end of each entry. That sort of went away once MapMyRide and Strava started tracking all the stats for me. Still, they were fun enough to read that I decided to bring them back. I'll just include the bits apps don't catch:

  • Tech: tried turn-by-turn directions with my new Coros Helmet. Best direction experience ever! Tired listening to some music, but this ride was so interesting and stimulating on its own that music sort of got in the way. Everything worked splendidly.
  • Weather: insultingly hot and dry with occasional strong wind gusts.
  • Food: nothing but warm, day old water, suitable for my punishing eastern european heritage.
  • Feel: Inhaling buckets of Chex mix like a starved addict is not the best pre-ride practice. 
  • Pace: Slower than I could have (see reason above).
  • Wildlife: countless birds, 2 dead garden snakes in the bike lane.
  • Danger, Will Robinson: This ride very nearly didn't happen at all. We drove out to Diamond Point with the bike locked to the rack on the back of the van. And the key to the lock was safe at home! With no way to get the bike off the rack, Bryan tried to wedge it free, tried to open it with a shim, and ultimately broke the lock off with a bolt cutter borrowed from a neighbor. 
  • Overall: I am insanely thrilled to have had the opportunity to ride on such great roads with million-dollar ocean views and bright green forests thick with scents of sap and bark. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

BONUS Sunset Photos Over the Bay: