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A bad day for encounters with trucks

A small Toyota pickup pulled out in front of me without using a turn signal or even lights (this was in the dark of morning). It pulled out from its street-side parking spot into the road, crossing my path on the bike lane. I don't think the driver ever saw me. It was a perfect opportunity to use my horn, but when the horn lever competes for my hand with the brake lever, the brake always wins. My brakes squelched in the rain, braking just in time for me to feel safe. I hoped the driver would eventually see me, but I think he had other things on his mind. His turn signal going the other way lit up as soon as he got in the road (still no lights) and he drove like that at least a half mile before turning. Later a large white truck waiting to turn right from a smaller cross-street pulled out in front of me. I saw the driver looking in my direction, so I braked with the hope they would eventually see me. I practically came to a stop by the time the driver noticed me. This happened when the truck bed crossed the bike lane and the cab was well into the road. They stopped anyway. I veered out into the road to pass. As I passed, I stuck my arm out with the "stop" hand sign. I do this to remind drivers when I have the right of way. It is something I do with some regularity at 2-way stops. I have no idea if the drivers realize I have the right of way, or if they just think I am being an ass.