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Peaceful Valley to Katmandu


Today I rode my bike out to Nederland to meet my father at our favorite lunch meetup spot, Katmandu, the Nepalese restaurant in town. They offer an affordable lunch buffet that my father loves. The food falls short of my expectations, but it is still tasty. It also has to be 10 times healthier than what I eat at work. It's also a place where I can feel totally comfortable sitting in a nice plushy booth wearing head-to-toe bike gear. But that may just have to do with the resuraunt being in Nederland. Nederland is cool that way.

It was a pleasantly uneventful ride. I worry on this ride because the combination of fast driving cars, small shoulder, and rampant gigantic potholes. Luckily, all was good. My dad was convinced in was going to rain, so I rode back with him rather than biking back. Upon returning home, I regretted the decision, as rain never came. I'm also not sure why rain would be so bad. The giant potholes and steep roads scare me. I did reach speeds over 40mph, and to hit one of the 2 or 3 foot potholes would have been disastrous. However, rain isn't really going increase the chances of that happening. To make up for it, I'm going to find a nice place to ride tomorrow.

  • distance: 18.45
  • time: 1 hr. 34 min.
  • av. speed: 11.76 mph
  • max speed: 41.19 mph
  • av. cadence: didn't register
  • climb: 1591 ft
  • max altitude: 9272
  • av pulse: forgot my strap!
  • max pulse: forgot my strap!
  • temp 65
  • Ride map