
Ride to Bellevue Pond

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Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 12.32.45 PM

The day was too sunny and pleasant to not ride. So, I headed out to Bellevue Pond via the Burke Gilman Trail over the north side of Lake Washington. The cool, crisp air numbed my right foot while invigorating my soul at the same time. Great ride!

My body fat percentage

I took a body fat test with a trainer at my health club. The club used a clever ploy of trying to ring members into paying top dollar for personal training by handing out free hour-long fitness tests. Much to my shock, I actually scored right smack in the middle of the "ideal" range for females of my age. I scored at 24.8 percent body fat, which is in the "average" category for women overall, but is a bit better for women my age, cause, I guess I'm getting older. I'm pleased to discover that my body fat percentage has largely stayed the same over the years, even though I used to be stronger (and fatter!). Now that I'm older, I am actually scoring "healthier" as I guess most people gain a few pounds of fat here and there just as part of the aging process.I have a body fat scale at home, but am skeptical as to it's accuracy. Somehow I take the measurement at the club more seriously, even though the technology used is pretty much the same. This gave me a clear opportunity to set a goal. If I'd like to qualify as "athlete" I should reduce my body fat to 21.8%. If I excursive at the rate I intend to, I can do this by April 11 of this year. Can I do it? Will I do it?


As an aside, I found photos of women of different body fat percentages online, in trying to figure out what my goal should be. The heavier women appealed to me more. I would like my body to be more defined, but I don't have interest in being skinnier. I told my trainer my goal was to stay the same weight, but increase my lean muscle mass. If I do this, I will get skinnier as a result. I think actually, my goal should be to increase my lean muscle mass while improving my percentage to the point that I am actually at 20%, but weigh more than I do. I could do the exact math to figure out how many pounds of muscle I'd need to not really be much skinnier, but that seems a bit over zealous, considering I haven't actually succeeded in increasing muscle mass in some time. So here goes. I'm putting my goal out there.

Danger abated. Lovely Acquired.

A woman driving sped through a two way stop of which I had the right of way on my bike. This sort of thing happened frequently at intersections near my home, as Seattle tends to yeild left at all intersections. This means that all they have to do us look to the right and go, because everyone to the left must yeild to the vehicle on the right. I frankly disagree, perhaps becuase I don't consider myself a Seattlite, who knows. I think those who have stop signs should stop. Being used to this intersection, my pace was slow enough to stop on a dime. I proceeded. At the last minute, already half way through the intersection, she saw me and stopped. I gave her the polite (I hope) flat-handed stop signal  hand as I curved around her stopped car. It was all very pleasant and civil. Another great ride!The sun is shining, the weather is warm, today is at its very best. Horray, today! Here are some photos of the park I rode to, where I am now writing this post, with the sun on my back.

2 days in a row!

I did it! I stayed above 10mph on the Fremont hill for 2 days in a row! This time I counted that the hill is 2/5ths of a mile long. Trust me, it seems like it goes on forever.All drivers were great today. One female ruder with panniers like mine blocked me out of the curb at a light. Making me awkwardly sit to the side of her so I wasn't in the way of a turning lane. But pretty uneventful ride otherwise. The ride home was dark and rainy, but great. I like days like this.

7.95 mi./7.85 mi. 36mins./ unknown 13.21 mph average 24mph max image

Here's the commuter getting ready to go inside.

Achievement Unlocked!


I lost my commuting base this year, much to my sadness, but I just simply didn't feel like riding in the traffic and urban roads any more. It's more tiring that fun. But, today I rode! And I gave it my 100%. It's been a goal of mine to ride this certain hill without breaking below 10mph for almost 3 years-and I never did it- until today! The hill is particularly bad, it starts out quite steep, then appears to level off. But it doesn't, the hill lessens in slope, but keeps going, and going, and going. That's why it such a killer, it's too easy to push so hard trying to get up the steep part of the hill that you wimp out at the end of the hill. The fastest riders start out slow, a pace slow enough to maintain the whole way. I never manage to do it, I've gotten close, but have always dropped below 10mph, even if for only one pedal stroke.  Of course, my heart rate was above 170 for the whole thing, and I rode the rest of the way in with a burning throat. I chickened out on the way home, so I didn't ride home. Still, I'm happy I did it and rode. I am going to set my goals light, and give myself a full four weeks to ramp up to the 60 miles a week I've been riding for a couple of years. But I am going to do it. It starts today.

  • 8.52mi
  • 41 min.
  • 12.32mph
  • 23.4mph max
  • 347' climbed
  • 351' max
  • 140bpm av pulse
  • 173bpm max
  • 305 calories burned

Chanelling "America's Toughest Bike Race" and failing

I really wanted to get training going for the MS Ride.  But for this ride I was severely ill-prepared.  I had not fueled up enough, I was not fit enough, I was not dressed enough, nor did I have adequate bike lighting.  It was hard to pick clothing for this ride.  Just the other day it was snowing, but the online weather reports said 79, matching my thermometer.  At the same time I was riding into the evening where it would get colder, but I'd be pushing up hills which would make me hotter, but I'd be speeding downhills which would make me colder, but most riders out here are in just tee shirts.  Sadly, I developed full-body goosebumps on my first decent that remained the rest of the ride. I was numb and shivering when I had still an hour of riding to do. I cut my route short (full route on link at bottom of page) because I worried about getting too cold. I came home and gingerly lowered myself into the nicest bath ever, but by the time I got out I was so famished I felt faint and immobile.  It took 30-40 minutes to get food and another 30-40 to feel better.  Yesterday it seemed like the cold was my biggest problem.  But today, I think it was just too hard of a ride.  Mapmyride started using climb ratings modeled after climb ratings given by the UCI for races like the Tour de France and other professional cycling events. Category 5 is the lowest level, it must be at least 500 meters in length with an average grade of 3% or more.  As the numbers get smaller, the climb gets more intense.  This ride has stretches ranking in category 5, 4, 3 and 1.  With the hardest climb, category 1, spanning 10.8 miles.  I can't ignore the fact that I live right on the stage 6 route for America's Pro Cycling Challenge for this year, aptly titled "America's Toughest Bike Race."  I'm just a casual rider who hasn't exercised at all all winter and barely rode 1000 miles in the past 2 years.  This is not the route to "get me back into shape."  Oh well.

  • distance: 26.76 mi
  • time: 2 hr. 35 min.
  • av. speed: 10.36 mph
  • max speed: 37.35 mph
  • av. cadence: 57
  • climb: 2791 ft
  • max altitude: 8879
  • av pulse: 145
  • max pulse: 163
  • temp 50 (and I was in shorts and a short-sleeved jersey! What was I thinking?!)
  • Ride map

I ride for stir fry and ice cream


Before today's ride I fueled up at Tokyo Joe's. They serve the sort of food that is my "standby" when cooking for myself at home. But the fun and ease of fast food are too much to resist. And, they are damn good. I sat outside and read the paper. Then it was over to the Sunflower market to get some groceries so I can cook at home (what is it with, you Boulder, being so pretentious? The whole Foods is packed, but the Sunflower is empty. They stock the exact same stuff!) I got dressed in a luxious bathroom at a hotel, then I was ready to ride.

I did a route I did many times before in Boulder. While riding, I realized I had to get 2 birds with one stone for a ride to feel worthwhile. The potential "birds" are: healthy, see something new, chat with friends, get somewhere/have destination. On today's ride, I only had one thing; the health. But the scenery was amazing, as per usual. Left hand canyon and it's deep red rocks are gorgeous. Just after I crested my climb, I blasted past some amazing views of the valley below.

After the ride I decided to stop at the Ice Cream Shop in Lyons to get a cone, because, you know, I might get pekid if I don't eat. Apparently the shop was doing some "training" and the soft serve kept pouring freely, so they gave me a free cone. I never had soft serve taste so good. It wasn't you standard flare, it had something else to it. Can't complain about any of today.

Today I stole a route from a fellow map-my-rider. I am tempted to compare today's ride with past times I covered these same roads. I thought I was a mapmyride member back then, but my membership says I've only been active since 2009. I'll have to dig into the old blogs to find old logs. Sadly, they are not readily available. Guess I don't get to geek out on stats tonight.

  • distance: 21.28
  • time: 1 hr. 40 min.
  • av. speed: 12.69 mph
  • max speed: 42.14 mph
  • av. cadence: 69
  • climb: 1207 ft
  • max altitude: 6400
  • av pulse: 146
  • max pulse: 168
  • temp 80
  • Ride map

Peaceful Valley to Katmandu


Today I rode my bike out to Nederland to meet my father at our favorite lunch meetup spot, Katmandu, the Nepalese restaurant in town. They offer an affordable lunch buffet that my father loves. The food falls short of my expectations, but it is still tasty. It also has to be 10 times healthier than what I eat at work. It's also a place where I can feel totally comfortable sitting in a nice plushy booth wearing head-to-toe bike gear. But that may just have to do with the resuraunt being in Nederland. Nederland is cool that way.

It was a pleasantly uneventful ride. I worry on this ride because the combination of fast driving cars, small shoulder, and rampant gigantic potholes. Luckily, all was good. My dad was convinced in was going to rain, so I rode back with him rather than biking back. Upon returning home, I regretted the decision, as rain never came. I'm also not sure why rain would be so bad. The giant potholes and steep roads scare me. I did reach speeds over 40mph, and to hit one of the 2 or 3 foot potholes would have been disastrous. However, rain isn't really going increase the chances of that happening. To make up for it, I'm going to find a nice place to ride tomorrow.

  • distance: 18.45
  • time: 1 hr. 34 min.
  • av. speed: 11.76 mph
  • max speed: 41.19 mph
  • av. cadence: didn't register
  • climb: 1591 ft
  • max altitude: 9272
  • av pulse: forgot my strap!
  • max pulse: forgot my strap!
  • temp 65
  • Ride map