Comic: Trying to Buy a New Bike Jersey Elicits New Self-Discovery

I decided it was time I picked up a new bike jersey. I though it would be fun to have a jersey with matching arm warmers, so I could have a universal top that would wearable year-round for the mild Washington weather. However, after having to return several pair for not being able to get the arm warmers up past my elbows, I took some measurements. Apparently, my biceps are a full 2.75 inches bigger around than what garment makers expect for someone my size. Yeah, I'd like to say my arms are ripped with muscles, but since I have below average upper body strength for women my age, there is only one possible answer for this phenomenon- I have PIG ARMS! Ohmigawd! I have pig arms! I broke into Weird Al's "Fat", singing "Ham On", "Hambone". I recently got hooked on reading Bikeyface, a comic biking blog written/illustrated by a woman cyclist on the east coast. Her pictures inspired me to sketch and image of my own, to help express how much realizing I had porker horker hambone arms made me laugh. Here, I am, selecting a bike jersey with my arm meats:

Horker Arms
Horker Arms

Horker ArmsI totally did not do Bikeyface justice with this comic, you should really check her website out! In the meantime, I will keep searching for a new jersey!