SheRidesToday's simple logo
In preparing for this new website, I created a new logo. I am incredibly pleased with it. I made a few different versions, of which you can see in various places on this site. The inspiration came from the photo below. I saw some circular images with wandering paths in the center of them. It is actually a pretty common logo theme in the outdoors. The Method Trails logo uses the trail in the mountains, as does a collection of outdoors-themed jewelry Facebook tries to sell me. I took the idea of the wandering trail, and envisioned it a wondering road in my head. I did a few mockups that didn't look very good. Then I saw this profile of me biking, with the round wheel, and it suddenly all came together. The logo is intended to embody the cyclist, the road, and the wheel.
Me at the Apple Century ride in Wenatchee, Washington
The process proved to be difficult, since I lack image-editing software on my computer. So, I resolved to do it all freehand, which took some work. Instead of using layers in Photoshop, I duplicated the same process by hand by sketching an original image, scanning it, and then printing is several times. I modified each print a little differently until I came out with the best finished product. The photo below is a scan of my original sketch.
The original sketch of SheRidesToday's logo