Attack of the killer shower head! And other commuter foibles...

After my quiet, cold, rainy, dark and (oops!) spacey ride into work, I turned on the shower in the locker room like I do every morning. I follow a routine, where I turn on the water before I undress so the temperature gets warm by the rime I am ready. Much to my surprise, someone wedged the hanging shower head into the ADA bar such that water sprayed directly out of the shower stall. Water showered all over me, my pile of clean clothes, the rack of towels, chairs, shoes and floor. I woke up quickly, pulling everything away from the stream and peeling my own clothes off to minimize soaking them when I turned off the spigot. I don’t have a decent place to dry of my rainy day outerwear much less my inner layers! Luckily, I managed the whole situation with minimal damage and everything turned out well. Expect the floor. The entire floor of the small room looked like it had flooded. I will now check the showerhead every morning!

Bridge bike count: 125