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I won! I won!

The other night I attended Cascade Bicycle Club's Ride in the Rain Finale celebration. I sat with some work buddies and one of them won an individual membership to Cascade Bike Club. They were really hoping that they would win the family membership so their whole family could be members. I am glad they told me about the raffle, so I ran up to the ticket takers and entered my name into the final drawing. They called my name (even pronouncing it correctly! That's a big deal!). I ran up to the stage to collect my award, take a bow (on the stage no one was looking at), shake hands with the important people (handing out chips) and pose for the photographers (who were taking selfies).

I won a family membership! I offered to switch with my friends- I am happy to be a member, but there is no one else in my household who'd benefit from a membership. It turned out so perfectly! Thank you, Cascade!