A new low
The last 2 weeks in December is my favorite time to commute by bike. I ride with fewer commuters than I’d see late at night when I worked swing shift. Today, being the “observed” Christmas holiday meant that there were even fewer commuters out than imaginable. Last year at this time, temps reached the low 20’s, so I wouldn’t see a lot of other cyclists, but today I had the lowest count crossing the Fremont Bridge than I ever had before commuting at a normal hour. Of course, the lights on 5th avenue were still timed their weird way so I spent a lot of time sitting at red lights without another car in sight, but it gave me a chance to swoon at the bright red sunrise ahead of me. I tried to photograph it, but the camera didn’t do the reds justice. However, I did capture the lack of traffic. The cafes and restaurants were brightly lit with lonely uniformed staff standing at the counters, but the office buildings, apartments, and construction sites were empty, dark, and quiet. Quiet! It’s a commuter’s dream.
Fremont Bridge Bike Count: 25