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The Harvest Century

See this gallery in the original post

A person named Maria recently sent me an email from my website. This like, never happens. Anyway, she asked me if I could promote The Harvest Century. No brainer! Did Maria even look at my website? Did she realize I rode the Harvest Century back in 2008 and it was one of the best rides I ever did? I wanted to reminisce, so pulled up my blog from that ride. Sadly, it somehow missed being a featured ride on my organized ride page. She probably never saw it! So I looked at the post, and I didn't even have anything written! How on earth is everyone supposed to know that I have been wanting to do this ride again for years? I know I saved the stats and summary from the ride somewhere, I just don't know where. I recorded things on mapmyride, on various blogs, and on paper. Who knows where all of that went. Maybe I just need to do the ride again so I can write about it again?

Here is what Maria asked me to post. Take it from me, though, this ride was pretty awesome. The smell of fall. The colorful leaves. Hot cider on cold fingers. Riding through the classic Oregon wine country. What could be better? Because it's cold and colorful, this ride has a very different feel from the other organized rides I've done. I feel the snuggly comfort of autumn just thinking about it. 

The main image on my organized ride page is a Dan Henry from the Harvest Century. They had the best, they were all pumpkins!

See this link in the original post