
Swift Social Distance Cycling Club


The Seattle event to top all Seattle events; the “Swift Social Distance Ride.” All I had to do was take a ride BY MYSELF and take picture of all the things Swift Industries decided I should take pictures of and they would send me this nifty patch! I just got the patch in the mail today! I was so excited to see it, that I opened it up before letting it sit in the 3-day mail quarantine zone. Don’t worry, I opened the letter with tongs, recycled the paper, and then washed my hands before touching the patch inside. I am so happy with this patch! The question now is, where do I put it?

Swift Campout 2018 is on it's way!

It's happening! The Swift Campout is this weekend! Onward to Manchester State Park via 2 wheels and a ferry ride. I can't wait!


Swift Campout 2018

The Wooleaters are planning a bike camping excursion! I am very excited about this! Adding self-supported camping is a thing I've been wanting to add to my biking repertoire for a while. 
