Hectic Helmet Hiar

Bike Thing Thursday: Hectic Helmet Hair


I went to the bike Expo and got this awesome amazing “Hectic Helmet Hair.” This was a sort of wiggly, rubbery hat that turns your helmet into a Koosh ball! I eagerly got it home only to realize that the sporty aerodynamic point of my helmet didn’t fit under the hair. It seemed the hair was designed to work with the rounded Nutcase style helmets; the kind favored by urban riders and fixies. So, I saved my helmet hair until some day when I would have a rounded helmet of my own. A few year later, I finally came upon a nice, rounded helmet for a tiny amount of money. It seemed smart not to spend too much given that I was buying a helmet just to put a cover on it. I excitedly pulled my Hectic Helmet Hair out of storage and - - - OH NO! IT MELTED! Somehow the rubber must have come into contact with some sort of solvent. The hair had melted, and now longer in a hat shape, couldn’t be worn with any sort of helmet. Sad , sad day. I never got a chance to enjoy what was surely the coolest helmet topper that ever existed.