big data

Big Data for Urban Planners

I just learned that Strava sends aggregate commute data to urban planners. That means I'm sopposed to tag my commutes as commutes. That sounds so simple, right? Not so much in our tech-dependant era! See, my Wahoo devices are connected to my Garmin activity watch which sends the data to the Garmin Connect Mobile app, which automatically shares the data to Strava and MyFitnessPal. To tag my commutes as commutes, I'd have to log into Strava and click that option on each ride. It sounds so simple. But between all my lights and trackers, I'm already pushing a lot of buttons. Multiply that two times a day, nearly every day, and that's a lot of button pushing! I want my activities to be heard for a better urban future...But do I want that bad enough to go back and tag my commutes?