Kuat hitch rack earns the highest mention possible: 5 bikes a racin'!
I almost don't want to believe it. It happened to me. The thing all cyclists dread. Yup. Drove into the garage with a bike on the roof rack. The second it happened, the split second the car hesitates and the crunching noise just barely reaches your eardrum, you know exactly what happened. But it was too late. In our case, the rack peeled right of the car with the bike intact. The bike didn't suffer so much as a scratch. The car...the car acquired several scratches and scrapes that took a lot of work (i.e. back and fourth with the auto body shop) to remedy.
So. The question that begs to be asked. Do we replace the roof rack? Ha! Never more! I got this lovely Kuat hitch rack instead. I felt pretty guilty that it was my bike that damaged my boyfriend's car. Had I not been a cyclist, none of this would have happened. I wanted to pay for all the damages to the car, but he insisted he take care of all of it. I went all out and got the nicest rack I could find to make up for it. It looks pretty nice, both on my rig and his. The lovely white color matches both of our vehicles and my bike. It's been solid and supportive. Removal and installation takes mere seconds. The thing is awkwardly shaped, but otherwise easy to carry and store.
Kuat earns the 5 bike award!