Sunday Ride!

Sanderson Gulch in Laekwood should be renamed "Shopping Cart Gulch." The bottom on a ditch i a sad fate for a homeless man's most treasured tool. The sky threatened rain the entire time I rode this morning, but it never came through. I meandered around cute Denver brick neighborhoods and ultimately made it to the Sanderson Gulch trail. I dedided to make the condemed drug house my turn-around point and then head shouth on Cherry Creek to Dartmouth to make a loop. As I rode past the municipal golf course, I imagined what would happen if I got hit in the head by a head golf ball. As my mind lost concentration, I rode right over some large pieces of broken glass. I worried I would blow a tire, but got lucky. The same thing happened again as I reached the peak of a park trail in Lakewood. I saw a young man parked alone in a car looking like a rapist. I watched him and rode over broken glass again. Luckily I didn't get raped, hit by a golf ball, or get a flat tire.10:11 AM start, 1.53 elasped time 22.25 mi, av 13.5 mph av HR 140, max 170