Speed Ride!

Since I've been dragging the past week, I decided to make Monday's ride a short, fast one. I went as fast as I could go, considering there was a strong head wind, oodles of pedestrians on the wrong side of the street, and a billion stop lights. The exhaustion grueling work brings led me to fall off my bike after the ride was over. This made my third fall. I didn't get a scratch on my body, but my seat did get a scrape on it. Oh well. All that, and my average was less than my 60 mile ride. Disapointing! I am tempted to think that the stop lights ruined this ride. I spent a full 8.30 with my heart rate below 152. If I pushed the whole time, these lows must have come from waiting at lights, and 8 mins. is a long time for that!12:03 AM start, .38 elasped time 8.75 mi, av 16 mph av HR 159, max 182