Bear Creek Trail!

Denver, a city full of cycling enthusiasts, and roads that don't accomidate cycles. At least the city installed biking trails, and the Bear Creek Trails is where they redeem themselves. I love this trail. The cement is well laid and in good condition. The bridges are from fairy tales. There is a nice mix of shady, forest-like groves, wide open fields, parks and golf courses. I saw many birds, a giant beetle, fields of prairie dogs and one rabbit. I noticed two distinct kinds of prairie dogs once I entered Lakewood. One kind had slick-back fur and a dark ring at the tip of its tail. The other had fluffier fur, like that of a squirrel and was a solid fawn color. I am sure they are varmits and the city hates them, but they sure are cute. The people on this trail are always very friendly and rule-abiding. It brightens my day to see them. Although today I did see few folks, head down, going at a pace that must have been less than .001 mph. It concerned me a little, as I did just watch "Shaun of the Dead."I went further today on the trail than I had before and regretted finding what lay ahead the last week I am in Denver! About 15 miles out the trail winds through a lovely golf course. The trail loops up a steep hill (at least 8-9% grade) for a bit over a mile. At the top I found a glorious 360 degree view of the area. I saw the mountains to the west in clear view. I saw the flat lands to the east, the neighborhoods, streets, and stores of wherever I was. Far ahead in the distance, squished together and behind smog, downtown Denver looked at me like it was the Emerald City of Oz. This had to be the one day I rode without my camera. I took in the scene and the air and it gave me energy to get home. Had a bit of shoulder pain again. I stopped at mile 22 to stretch and eat a Cliff Bar. That definitely helped. Encouraged by the heat, I diluted 2 scoops of powdered Gatorade to my 72 ounces of water. It tastes yummy, but since I spend most of my biking time in the "fat burning zone" and Gatorade replenishes my body with sugar, I wonder if I am better off not adding Gatorade unless it's really hot. 9:30 AM start, 2.16 elapsed time 31.14mi, av 14.6 mph av HR 149, max 168