Utilitarian Ride!

Thursday’s ride was really one of necessity. Getting ready to drive to Portland left me little time to get a “real” ride in, which was unfortunate, as I really wanted to hit the 470 trail and get a chance to go the nature center again.I rode on my old mountain bike from the radiator shop and back again to pick up and drop off my truck. It was nice to be on my old bike, although I felt awkward. It was kind of like driving an automatic when you are used to driving a manual. It worried me as I rode back from the shop that maybe I was not as fit as I was at this time last year b3ecause I am riding a bike that is so much easier. It took me 31 minutes to get home, but the shop owner called at 5:00 to tell me my truck was ready and that he closes at 5:30. I pushed like my life depended on it and actually got there in only 20 minutes. It was only a few miles, but I count it as a real workout. Unfortunately my wrists felt the ride, too. Appox. 10 AM and 5 PM start, 55 min elapsed time 10.74 mi, av 11.6 mph no HR data