Business, business

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Unlike yesterday’s reflective ride, today’s ride was all business. First I spent a long time draining, washing, hanging, and adjusting fans on every bike accessory last night to ensure I would have dry everything this morning. The sheen of the water on the black roads and twilight and first light make it difficult to see. The road become one giant reflective path making everything on it indistinct. I perfected every hand signal, every turn, every pace, making myself as visible as possible. My eyes scanned the horizon above me in rapid, mouse-like rotation, ensuring nothing missed my awareness. The potholes, filled with water made black puddles like little black holes dappled across the mirror that was the road. A flock of school children crossing the road appeared to be mere shiny pixels on the road-mirror. Today was all business, business. I often times these days identify with the Will Ferrell character in The Lego Movie, making what once was fun into work. I especially feel that way these days, comparing the feel and nature of bike commuting to the recreational riding of years past.

Fremont Bridge Bike Counter: 167