bicycle banana creme pie
The Wooleaters, a group of Seattle Cycling fanatics from work, celebrated Woolsgiving this weekend. It’s a 2nd-annual celebration of the year of riding and friendship that involves eating a ton of food and donating wool socks (or just socks) to people experiencing homelessness. This year Betsy hosted at her lovely home, which, imho, was way better than last year’s venue, Freelard Pizza. We started with crackers and assorted cheeses, and chips and guacamole with 2 incredible salsas. Kreg made a jicama salad to compliment the tamale dinner with beans. Kiki make an avocado zucchini salad that disappeared instantly. For dessert Abby made a chocolate stout cake and I made a bike-and-sheep-themed banana crème pie. Of course I had to finish a good 50-mile ride in the morning to balance out the calories consumed at this dinner. See, riding has myriad benefits.
The evening involved lots of laughter as the group recounted various bike crashes, martial arts shenanigans, ride-bar experiences and animal encounters. Truly something to be thankful for.
Bryant counted up statistics of the group. I thought they’d be pretty fun to share. Mind you, I didn’t participate in all the event, but I did participate in some.
Since the last Woolsgiving, we Woolies have participated in:
• At least nine Coffee Rides
• Over 650 miles of training rides
• Four organized rides: Candy Cane Lane, Chilly Hilly, Emerald City Ride, & Flying Wheels
• At least two pool party rides
• Two birthday rides (for Kreg and for Jessi)
• AND the inaugural Tamale Ride
... which included two car-free, multi-modal adventures:
• Bussing to Redmond, riding a loop out to Carnation
• Biking to Kirkland, hiking through St. Edwards State Park
... as well as:
• The MLK Day snowshoe outing
• Craft Night
• AND the Fourth of July bocceminton/beerBQ event
Bryant and Chris enjoy some bicycle banana creme pie