I thought it might be fun to compare my riding style and interests with other riders. I found this Bicycling Magazine Reader's Choice Poll and thought it had some entertaining info graphics. The article was published in 2014, but I couldn't find a more recent poll that was equally interested. I doubt we've changed that much since then. Where do you fit in?
I've ridden in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Alaska. I've also ridden in Italy and Antarctica. At 11 states and 1 foreign country, I've beaten the average.
Oddly enough, I don't think I've ridden in Hawaii, Canada, New Zealand or Australia. These are all places I've been to frequently enough, that you would think I would have ridden in them. I have no memory of it though it I had.
There are several states with specific rides I'd like to do, or specific areas I'd like to see. Some just seem like they'd be fun to ride through. I mostly want to hit the eastern states; Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. I'd also enjoy exploring Wisconsin and Michigan. I'm not opposed to riding the southern states, they are just not on my list because I think of heat and humidity when I consider riding them. I now there is a good time of year to ride, and so I've also pondered riding in Florida, the Carolina's and Tennessee in years past. Pretty much, I just want to ride through every state. If I were to have a whole summer free, I'd love to ride across the country. A girl can dream!
Specific countries of interest include Canada, Myanmar, and the Czech Republic. The problem when I think about travelling though, is that I want to bike my way through everything. Every time I look at a seeing a country, the first thing that goes through my mind is, "I want to bike it!"