Biking by the Velveteen Cafe

I pedaled around a residential corner in the weee hours of Seattle’s early morning. I came upon 4 fluffy bunnies sitting in the green square of a front lawn, chewing on a patch of clover. They huddled together, kind of like what you’d see in an office around the water cooler. Their little noses wiggled and their mouths waddled back and forth as they considered the delightful clover. I call them bunnies because they didn’t look like the typical rabbit I’d see on a bike ride. Usually a brown tufted rabbit with dull fur and a thin belly would gallop across my path between the bushes of a bike path. I’d usually see them on that invisible but distinct line where city turns to country. I assume they are the wild, native rabbits; cottontails. These bunnies had dark, thick, shiny fur and plump bellies. Were they pets? Did someone really have 4 rabbits they let roam free? The house they sat in front of is on a busy street, and within sight of a ramp to one of Seattle’s major state highway. Perhaps the family only lets the rabbits out before 6am when traffic is light. 

Fremont Bridge Bike Count: 444