Bike MS 2020: 150 miles in 5 Days (Day 2)


The second day I was on a roll. It seemed so wonderful and amazing to finally be doing this. But what started out feeling so easy and fast quickly turned to epic.

Ride Summary


  • Ride started easy, faster than expected. Couldn’t stop smiling.

  • Later, after I got too hot, realized I couldn’t take the route I wanted to go due to lack of pavement, not finding the paved road that didn’t exist and then getting flat tire I couldn’t fix- the ride quickly turned epic.

  • “Share the Road” is fully embodied, vehicles swung wide, slow and waved.


  • hot, and it kept getting hotter.


  • More scrub jays, a magpie, and other unique local birds on the farmland.


  • Typical rural asphalt. Imbler had much nicer road quality than neighboring areas, and bike lanes!


  • Just after missing the road that didn’t exist and passing by the stockade against Natives, my rear tire went flat. I found a long shade tree on the corner of some private property. I was hungry, thirsty, and tired and figured my bike wanted me to take a break. I decided to take it slow, but I couldn’t unscrew the axle and therefore couldn’t removed the tire. Gregg’s Cycle, how could you possible torque my through axle that tight?! AND WHY?? I resigned to patching the tube since I couldn’t removed it, but after searching far too long I couldn’t locate the hole. So, I just pumped the tire up all the way home.