Ride Summary
My heart rate seemed to be off again. I really couldn’t tell what was going on. Was it my new favorite energy beverage, C4? Decided to buy new heart rate monitor batteries on the way home.
“Share the road” is the matra. Every single car that passed by waved exuberantly at me. My face hurt from smiling so much!
The City Park advertises designated free camping. I love this. I’d love to see Seattle do this to normalize urban camping and separate it from the homelessness epidemic and, worse off, panhandlers.
Dry, hot.
Livestock; cows.
Some horses.
Super friendly locals. Some chatting it up with each other in their respective F150s, parked on opposite lanes of the road. Sounded like a long yarn of gossip and a conversation that happened on the regular on the road.
Smooth, newer asphalt.
None during the ride….but the next day I found another slow leak had deflated my read tire. Arrrhhhghghghgh!!!