Sinks Canyon State Park has a lot of elements for being so close to town; camping, trails, interpretive trails, fishing, picnic areas, boating, a museum, store, and more. Plus it was one of the few places I could find native history commemorated compared to the ample historical markers for settlers, gold-diggers and pioneers.
European-style Hill Climb
Ride Summary
“Share the road” is the matra. Every single car that passed by waved exuberantly at me. My face hurt from smiling so much…AGAIN!
This is what bike travel is all about. Amazing, jaw-dropping rock faces and rivers, twists and bends and flying downhill.
Max speed of 55.9mph on this Strava segment- 3rd fastest overall!
A Strava category 4 climb; about 300 ft in 1 mile.
Sunny, dry, pleasant.
Livestock; cows.
Some horses.
Super friendly locals. Some chatting it up with each other in their respective F150s, parked on opposite lanes of the road. Sounded like a long yarn of gossip and a conversation that happened on the regular on the road.
Perfect, perfect, sweet buttery road.