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The day started out even colder, in the high 20s. I doubled up hats and had to keep wiggling my fingers. One of the problems with chilled fingers on a bike, compared to skiing, is the fingers are depended on to brake. If your fingers are too numb to move, braking doesn't happen.
I met with my trainer this morning at the health club and added some pieces to my workout routine. We started out walking with straight legs kicked up as high as I could go. I instantly felt like a part of the Ministry of Silly Walks and this thought entertained me for the rest of the morning.
I passed a few stretches of ice, but nothing slippery. In one spot, a street light illuminated a huge stretch of fuzzy frost over the bike lane. In it I could see the tire tracks of the 77 cyclists before me. The contrast of the white frost over black pavement and the random placing of the straight lines looked artistic and beautiful. I wanted to take a photo. I am glad I didn't stop and try however, because my photo app took several minutes updating firmware when I tried to take a photo later in the morning.
I also learned that my feelings of bonking yesterday were false. Today I rode with certainty that I was on top of my game. Other cars drove along with me as well. I still hit the red light in the same spot, so the light timing is off again. It does this from time to time. I am often startled. The nice thing about this version of timing is that I don't have to wait at the Coach store. Funny I didn't notice it yesterday and assumed I bonked. Fremont Bridge Bike count: 78