The other day, I decided to track my morning commute on my my ride. I've never done this before. The following day, I was sent an email displaying "New Course Achievements". What does this all mean? I wasn't sprinting. I wasn't competing against anyone? I looked on the stats, and the people who ranked behind me were not necessarily slower than me, and they weren't necessarily female, although the "queen" is supposed to be a female. MapMyRide, you are odd!
42 Traffic Lights in 8 miles
I recounted the number of traffic lights I pass through on the way to work. I counted this before, but wasn't sure if I got the numbers right. I did, I pass through 42 lights on the way to work. Interesting tidbit- over half of these lights are in the last three miles as I approach downtown. You can imagine how much of a difference in ride time this would make depending on how many reds and how many greens I hit. I've improved a lot in anticipating the timing of many lights, and adjusted where I sprint and where I cruise in some places. This cut 10 minutes off my ride time. I could work on this more and save even more time, I'm sure, but I am not real motivated, especially since my lungs limit me from sprinting in some areas I see other cyclists take full advantage.
I was so worried!
As I rode into work on the sunniest of mornings, I got to thinking about riding for fun. This lead me to thinking about my bike, and how it needs some maintenance. This got me thinking about my favorite bike repair shop. It's on the way to work, but horrible inconvenient otherwise. This means I procrastinate on getting the work done that I need. At this time, I approached the building, and to my shock- it was closed down! The windows were boarded up! I rode on in sadness and disappointment. I felt for the little guy, the small business just trying to do good, honest work and how that is in our economy. I felt guilty; if only I'd gotten my work done sooner, maybe they would have stayed in business. I irrationally felt like my one chain replacement would make or break the business. As I shook my head in remorse, I rode up to another building a half mile down the road. And there was the Wrench- bigger, shinier, closer to town! Wow! They must be doing fantastic as a business! The new lot had to have a much pricier lease. I pedaled the rest of the way into work with a smile on my face, happy for the world, and comforted knowing some things do go well sometimes.