
PSA: Cyclists might not be safe riding in the bike lanes! It's slippery leaf season!

I love fall leaves, they are a beautiful sign of the changing seasons. They are also terrifying for anyone on 2 wheels. A car pulled in front or me to turn ride on Greenwood avenue last night. I locked my brakes to avoid hitting them and skidded all the way out of the bike lane, into traffic. It had rained recently and wet leaves were under my tires. Wet leaves destroy traction and hide potholes, rocks, glass, and other hazards to cyclists. If you drive a car, please note that a cyclist might be riding in the road instead of the bike lane. Don't worry, that's legal in Washington state. Know that the Cyclist isn't trying to be an ass, the leaves are probably just too slick to ride on safely. Also note that braking distance is double what it is in dry weather, which may cause unpredictable behavior. Here's to hoping we all stay safe this fall and enjoy all the colors!!
