
Requesting traffic signal maintenance from Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)

I wanted to send a request last month, the first time the issue occurred. Then it went away, and I forgot all about it. Then it came back, and I considered making a request, an then I got distracted. I couldn't take it any more after today, so I submitted the following request to SDOT this morning from the SDOT link:

"The traffic signal at N46th ST & Fremont AVE North is intermittently skipping traffic turns. For the past several years, the signal at this intersection always followed the same pattern: green light for westbound, then green light for eastbound, then green light for north/south bound (except when the lights respond to sensors during weekends). However, the signaling has intermittently, and increasingly changed to: green light for eastbound, green light for westbound, then green eastbound, green westbound, then green light for north/south bound. I have also experienced 3 cycles for east/west traffic before one for north/south: (green light for eastbound, green light for westbound, then green light for eastbound, green light for westbound, green light for eastbound, green light for westbound, then green light for north/south bound). The traffic signals used these new unbalanced patterns today, 11/17, 11/12 (or close to that day, can't remember for sure), and for 4 days in a row the last week of October. During rush hour this creates a backup over 4 blocks in the north/south directions (past the zoo to the north and past Uneeda Burger to the south) as well as pedestrian congestion at the cross walks. Cars several blocks down honk when they realized they haven't moved in several minutes. This change also endangers cars, pedestrians and cyclists who anticipate circular light patterns and start moving when the cross traffic light turns red. If this is a permanent change, please post signage or other communication so travelers can predict and understand the change. If this is a malfunction, please address as the incidences seem to be increasing."

Other than that, this morning's ride treated me well. The trees are bare now, and the roads are clogged with fallen leaves. I think this may be the last of them this year. I also enjoyed the unusual smell of woodstove burning in the brisk morning air. I thought about how, when I ride to work just an hour later, my nose is bombarded by the distinct smell of frying bacon at the Red Mill Burger curve. However, at 7am, there is no smell along that curve at all.