Mt. Tabor Twice!

Ah Portland! The trip left me more worn out than expected and so today (Thursday) was my first ride of the week. I planned on riding Tuesday and Wednesday too, but I am trying to focus on the fact that I did finally ride today. I didn’t start until the heat of the day, but it was quite pleasant still. With only an hour to spare, I opted to tour Mt, Tabor, the old standby. I rode up the hill twice on each road. I now feel like I have a firmer grip as to where each road actually leads. Before I only had a general idea.Although I worried about my current level of fitness, going up the hill the second time definitely felt easier. I averaged about 7 mph up the slope. I had to brake a lot going down because of the deep cracks in the road. I saw some boarders and bikers and kids on picnic. Several kids had Cory Pennel hair cuts. I wonder if the long, bushy man curls are back in style? 2:23 start, 56 min elapsed time 10.7 mi, av 10.8 mph 151 av HR, 171 max