People, people everywhere

I saw so many other cyclists out there with me this morning. All it takes is a break in the weather and the numbers triple, quadruple, and then some. It’s still dark, cold, early, and raining. The record-breaking flood-inducing rains finally subsided, but the weather certainly isn’t ideal. I wonder what summer will look like. How congested will the bike lanes be when the weather is good and the sun is out? I didn’t start my rush-hour commute until the tail end of summer this year, so I don’t really know what I am in for. I grew up in a small town and lived in extremely rural areas for many years as an adult. The number of people bustling about in the downtown of a major American city can overwhelm. I tire from the number of people who gasp at my willingness to confront THE WEATHER on my bike. No one seems impressed by their own willingness to confront PEOPLE on the bus. PEOPLE spread disease. PEOPLE cause me great sadness, especially in the city where the full spectrum of human suffering is right out there, visible for us to absorb. Sure, I’d rather ride in good weather. But I’ll take dealing with the weather over people any day!