Familiar faces, familiar places

I am beginning to recognize the regular riders on my new commute. I only recognize the more distinctive riders. There’s “orange rafting bag” that I mentioned earlier. I also see “lady with embroidered jacket and light up traffic vest”. She and I share the same commute for at least 6 miles. I also see “tall sprinting guy with flappy green jacket”, “2 panniers and swift industries saddle bag”, “lady on cruiser who loves purple”, “tiny speed demon in tights” and “sprinting guy all in black”. There are more that I can’t think of right now.

I don’t see them all every day, but it is impressive the regularity that I see so many. Of course, I wouldn’t recognize any of them at all if they changed outfits or bikes. I assume to them I am “orange handlebars and monkey light.” It makes me wonder how many of the same cars we see every day, driving around. It’s harder for cars to look distinctive, so I may very well see the same 50 cars every day and not know it. One advantage to recognition I have on a bike, however, is that cyclists go a variety of different speeds. The guy going 10 miles an hour will be passed by everyone going 20 miles an hour even if their start times vary by minutes every day. Also, traffic lights are great equalizers. Fast people and slow people and people who left the same location minutes apart all bunch up at the same traffic light. It is on a stretch of 3 heavily congested traffic lights that I see most of the people I recognize. In a car, you may drive the same route at the same time as someone else, but if they are 5 cars ahead of you may never see them. These are the things I think about in those moments of boredom waiting for lights to change.