
Nostalgia Ride!

Zoe (complete with a teething Elliot in tow) rode accross town to Sellwood and then north and back. Elliott seemed to enjoy himself. We walked around on a trail by the Williamette River. He cried a bit on the way back and then fell asleep. Zoe rode 4 mph faster with the trailer than on the Strawberry Ride. I photographed some lazy geese sitting in the bike trail.On the way back we came across a plaid pantry that looked just like the one by my house as a young child in Portland. We tunred on my old road, and there it was. Looking the same, but at the same time very, very different. start7:33AM, 29.9 miles, av112.1 mph HR av 115, max153

Southern Oregon Scenery-Coleman Creek Road

From Phoenix up and around Coleman Creek Drive. I had no umph, no drive, and certainly no urge to go up hills. And these were hills. The road was very bumpy; a different kind of asphault, I guess. Beautiful weather, however.Cut the ride off at 10 miles. Just too tired. I was lucky to make it that far! start elapsed 10 mi, appox. av 14 mph HR av 149, max 168 total ascent 663', descent ayt 7'/second

Southern Oregon Scenery-to Jacksonville

To Jacksonville and back from downtown Phoenix. A beautiful light breeze and many a chirping bird kept me in good spirits. Passing cars didn't seem to know what to do with a cyclist on the road. A few other cyclists were out and appeard to be very excited to see a like cyclist. They smiled the chesire smile and waved full arm waves at my passing.My legs felt like lead, I felt the burn on the few small inclines, but I zoomed on the way back, increasing my average by 2 mph. 10:30AM start, 55 min elasped time 18.81 mi, av 15.5 mph no HR data, av approx. 150 bpm


Much to my dismay, I have not ridden since Monday due to splitting pain in the anterior region of my pectoral minor. I woke up Tuesday with unbearable, brain-numbing pains radiating from this area that I can only deduce thier cause from my arm flailing of the bed while sleeping in a most disastourous way. I imagined (hoped, planned) that the pain would dissapear the next morning just as it had appeared. Not so. Finally today I visited a Tuina (Oriental Massage) student who found my pulse dissapeared in my forearm when my arm was moved. So we thinks I have a pinched nerve up there somewhere. This is strange and challanging and frustrating. Queen says it best,


Terwilliger Ride!

I never thought I'd be one of those crazy white-collar health nuts exercising on Terwilliger Boulevard! Yes, today I summited what is known to locals as "Pill Hill", passing Oregon Health Sciences University, the Veteran's Hospital, the Children's Hospital and so on (via downtown). I remember thinking this road was insanely hilly. I road at a leisurely pace, waiting for the hills. I rode from one end of the road to the other, and back again, and still didn't find the hills! I am either much more fit than before, or I have my roads seriously mixed up! The incline I clocked was not impressive, so I fear Skyline boulevard is the only way I am going to get some serious hill work in!The weather was a perfect low 60s with a threatening drizzle. I heard some rubbing from some of my mid-range gears so on the way back I stopped at Riverside Bikes. The friendly bike boy introduced me to the "trim" feature on my bike, where I can adjust the front derailer so I doesn't rub the chain in extreme gears. Nifty! Though I wonder how many other cool things my bike can do that I have no clue about.... 10:35 start, 1:39 elapsed time 17.24 mi, av 12.7 mph av HR 136, max 172 approximate 740' accent/decent at 1220'/hr

Utilitarian Ride!

I don 't think this ride really counts as a ride, but it was the only riding I did on Friday, so I am writing it up regardless. I sped to the Acupuncture clinic to the bike store and back home again. I covered much of the same ground I did when commuting to Horizon Engineering. It was motivating to find the hills were much easier to climb now than they were back in 2002.About 5 miles. No HR data.

Mt. Tabor Twice!

Ah Portland! The trip left me more worn out than expected and so today (Thursday) was my first ride of the week. I planned on riding Tuesday and Wednesday too, but I am trying to focus on the fact that I did finally ride today. I didn’t start until the heat of the day, but it was quite pleasant still. With only an hour to spare, I opted to tour Mt, Tabor, the old standby. I rode up the hill twice on each road. I now feel like I have a firmer grip as to where each road actually leads. Before I only had a general idea.Although I worried about my current level of fitness, going up the hill the second time definitely felt easier. I averaged about 7 mph up the slope. I had to brake a lot going down because of the deep cracks in the road. I saw some boarders and bikers and kids on picnic. Several kids had Cory Pennel hair cuts. I wonder if the long, bushy man curls are back in style? 2:23 start, 56 min elapsed time 10.7 mi, av 10.8 mph 151 av HR, 171 max

Utilitarian Ride!

Thursday’s ride was really one of necessity. Getting ready to drive to Portland left me little time to get a “real” ride in, which was unfortunate, as I really wanted to hit the 470 trail and get a chance to go the nature center again.I rode on my old mountain bike from the radiator shop and back again to pick up and drop off my truck. It was nice to be on my old bike, although I felt awkward. It was kind of like driving an automatic when you are used to driving a manual. It worried me as I rode back from the shop that maybe I was not as fit as I was at this time last year b3ecause I am riding a bike that is so much easier. It took me 31 minutes to get home, but the shop owner called at 5:00 to tell me my truck was ready and that he closes at 5:30. I pushed like my life depended on it and actually got there in only 20 minutes. It was only a few miles, but I count it as a real workout. Unfortunately my wrists felt the ride, too. Appox. 10 AM and 5 PM start, 55 min elapsed time 10.74 mi, av 11.6 mph no HR data

BikeMS 2002 Salem Oregon