
Mt. Tabor Twice!

Ah Portland! The trip left me more worn out than expected and so today (Thursday) was my first ride of the week. I planned on riding Tuesday and Wednesday too, but I am trying to focus on the fact that I did finally ride today. I didn’t start until the heat of the day, but it was quite pleasant still. With only an hour to spare, I opted to tour Mt, Tabor, the old standby. I rode up the hill twice on each road. I now feel like I have a firmer grip as to where each road actually leads. Before I only had a general idea.Although I worried about my current level of fitness, going up the hill the second time definitely felt easier. I averaged about 7 mph up the slope. I had to brake a lot going down because of the deep cracks in the road. I saw some boarders and bikers and kids on picnic. Several kids had Cory Pennel hair cuts. I wonder if the long, bushy man curls are back in style? 2:23 start, 56 min elapsed time 10.7 mi, av 10.8 mph 151 av HR, 171 max

Utilitarian Ride!

Thursday’s ride was really one of necessity. Getting ready to drive to Portland left me little time to get a “real” ride in, which was unfortunate, as I really wanted to hit the 470 trail and get a chance to go the nature center again.I rode on my old mountain bike from the radiator shop and back again to pick up and drop off my truck. It was nice to be on my old bike, although I felt awkward. It was kind of like driving an automatic when you are used to driving a manual. It worried me as I rode back from the shop that maybe I was not as fit as I was at this time last year b3ecause I am riding a bike that is so much easier. It took me 31 minutes to get home, but the shop owner called at 5:00 to tell me my truck was ready and that he closes at 5:30. I pushed like my life depended on it and actually got there in only 20 minutes. It was only a few miles, but I count it as a real workout. Unfortunately my wrists felt the ride, too. Appox. 10 AM and 5 PM start, 55 min elapsed time 10.74 mi, av 11.6 mph no HR data

Bear Creek Trail!

Denver, a city full of cycling enthusiasts, and roads that don't accomidate cycles. At least the city installed biking trails, and the Bear Creek Trails is where they redeem themselves. I love this trail. The cement is well laid and in good condition. The bridges are from fairy tales. There is a nice mix of shady, forest-like groves, wide open fields, parks and golf courses. I saw many birds, a giant beetle, fields of prairie dogs and one rabbit. I noticed two distinct kinds of prairie dogs once I entered Lakewood. One kind had slick-back fur and a dark ring at the tip of its tail. The other had fluffier fur, like that of a squirrel and was a solid fawn color. I am sure they are varmits and the city hates them, but they sure are cute. The people on this trail are always very friendly and rule-abiding. It brightens my day to see them. Although today I did see few folks, head down, going at a pace that must have been less than .001 mph. It concerned me a little, as I did just watch "Shaun of the Dead."I went further today on the trail than I had before and regretted finding what lay ahead the last week I am in Denver! About 15 miles out the trail winds through a lovely golf course. The trail loops up a steep hill (at least 8-9% grade) for a bit over a mile. At the top I found a glorious 360 degree view of the area. I saw the mountains to the west in clear view. I saw the flat lands to the east, the neighborhoods, streets, and stores of wherever I was. Far ahead in the distance, squished together and behind smog, downtown Denver looked at me like it was the Emerald City of Oz. This had to be the one day I rode without my camera. I took in the scene and the air and it gave me energy to get home. Had a bit of shoulder pain again. I stopped at mile 22 to stretch and eat a Cliff Bar. That definitely helped. Encouraged by the heat, I diluted 2 scoops of powdered Gatorade to my 72 ounces of water. It tastes yummy, but since I spend most of my biking time in the "fat burning zone" and Gatorade replenishes my body with sugar, I wonder if I am better off not adding Gatorade unless it's really hot. 9:30 AM start, 2.16 elapsed time 31.14mi, av 14.6 mph av HR 149, max 168

Cherry Creek Trail!

Tuesday; my last day riding the cherry creek trail. Just a few tiny white clouds dappled the blue sky. It was one of those skys that make you wonder where all the pollution went. The air was perfect, temperature in the mid- 70s. I couldn't ask for better. I rode up St. Paul and then north on Cherry creek to the REI. The waters were so high, the creek leaked up to parts of the bike path.10:38 AM start, 1.05 elasped time 16.75 mi, av 15.4 mph av HR 147, max 168

Speed Ride!

Since I've been dragging the past week, I decided to make Monday's ride a short, fast one. I went as fast as I could go, considering there was a strong head wind, oodles of pedestrians on the wrong side of the street, and a billion stop lights. The exhaustion grueling work brings led me to fall off my bike after the ride was over. This made my third fall. I didn't get a scratch on my body, but my seat did get a scrape on it. Oh well. All that, and my average was less than my 60 mile ride. Disapointing! I am tempted to think that the stop lights ruined this ride. I spent a full 8.30 with my heart rate below 152. If I pushed the whole time, these lows must have come from waiting at lights, and 8 mins. is a long time for that!12:03 AM start, .38 elasped time 8.75 mi, av 16 mph av HR 159, max 182

Sunday Ride!

Sanderson Gulch in Laekwood should be renamed "Shopping Cart Gulch." The bottom on a ditch i a sad fate for a homeless man's most treasured tool. The sky threatened rain the entire time I rode this morning, but it never came through. I meandered around cute Denver brick neighborhoods and ultimately made it to the Sanderson Gulch trail. I dedided to make the condemed drug house my turn-around point and then head shouth on Cherry Creek to Dartmouth to make a loop. As I rode past the municipal golf course, I imagined what would happen if I got hit in the head by a head golf ball. As my mind lost concentration, I rode right over some large pieces of broken glass. I worried I would blow a tire, but got lucky. The same thing happened again as I reached the peak of a park trail in Lakewood. I saw a young man parked alone in a car looking like a rapist. I watched him and rode over broken glass again. Luckily I didn't get raped, hit by a golf ball, or get a flat tire.10:11 AM start, 1.53 elasped time 22.25 mi, av 13.5 mph av HR 140, max 170

Weekend Ride!

Lazy Saturdays are wonderful days for a ride! Today's breezy, overcast weather made it okay for me to leave a little later. I went east on Iliff and then north on St. Paul until I met up with the Cherry Creek Trail. I went away from town on the trail and then south on the Highline Canal Trail. I didn't like this leg of the trail any better, so I turned around at the meditation center, of all places. I rode around different forks of the Cherry Creek trail until I found a good turn around point. I climbed an 8% grade, which is probably the steepest climb I've done since I've been in Colorado. That's sad, considering the hill was less than a half mile. I had snack, turned around and rode just past the Cherry Creek Mall before I decided to go back home. I' m sure I set a record at a red light, almost 6 minutes before it turned!I dragged today. Maybe because I hadn't ridden in two days, or started later, or took a nap, or didn't have my CoQ10, or skipped lunch. Who knows. Since the media concurance now is that the average American is overweight, it was inspiring to see mostly fit people on these trails. I hope thier fitness will leak on to me if I hang out on the trails enough! I didn't quite make 100 miles this week, but it got close. With the exception of the pinched leg, the milage felt easy. I feel confident I can keep up this milage through July for the STP. 11:30 AM start, 2:00 elasped time 27.41 mi, av 15.0 mph av HR 152, max 178

Chilly Ride!

Today I repeated yesterday, except I went south on the Platte River Trail till I hit the Bear Creek Trail. It was so cold outside that I had to turn around and get more clothing to wear! I felt good, felt like I could go a lot faster in 60 degree weather. The only bad thing is my bike shorts have been pinching me for the second day in a row now. I don't know what that is all about.9:30 AM start, 1:29 elasped time 17.91 mi, av 15.3 mph av HR 138, max 160

City Ride!

I didn't want to get going this morning. I even crawled back in bed after breakfast, but somehow I made it on the bike before nine! I rode east on Iliff and then north on the Platte River trail to The Pepsi Center. It is beautiful out here! I rode amongst a nice breeze in the morning sun and with birds, geese, and ducks. I decided the Denver fitness enthusiast is much friendlier than the Portland rain-hardened commuter. Cyclists smiled as I passed and I even rode with an older woman for a while. Her tanned legs were full of veins, wrinkles and sags, but they were still beautiful because she was fit and muscled. So far, it seems that I have to ride exactly 5 miles from Jo and Brian's to get to anywhere worth riding, which is making 10 mile rides difficult. I am still trying, though.I calculated my average riding since I got this bike to be 50 miles a week, half of my goal. Still, I think it must be pretty good for someone who barely exersized in 6 months and hasn't ridden 100 miles a week in 2 years. 8: 58 AM start, 1:39 elapsed time 20.35 mi, av 14.7 mph av HR 148, max 169

Denver University and on

Today's bike ride did not impress me. I rode from Jo and Brian's through several Denver neighborhoods near DU, thento Washington Park and on to the Cherry Creek Bike path. Initially there were to many stops and too many times I had to look at the map to call it a "bike ride." This felt more like a "stroll." Consequently, I ended up riding longer than planned, and got more sun than intended (no burn though). I saw many other people outside trying to be healthy and a few shiny mallards playing in the river. After the first 45 minutes the temperature seemed to increase from a pleasant 75 to an unpleasant 79. The last half of the ride, I struggled to pedal in the heat I am not acclimated to. Once again, I felt like I could feel each and every tendon and muscle moving, urging me to stop and sit in the shade. Bheh. Oh well.8:30 AM start, 1:32 elasped time 18.9 mi, av 14.5 mph av HR 137, max 189